


Jessica, 您這麼擅解人意,一定明確的!

Jessica: Yeah, I guess I should be more considerate.

YM: 哦! 本來擅解人意即是 considerate! 我實正在特别明白你朋友的心情,我感同身受! Hmm, 那個“感同身受”用英語要怎樣讲呢?

Jessica: You can say it strikes a chord. Strike is spelled s-t-r-i-k-e; and chord, c-h-o-r-d, chord. If something strikes a chord,英翻中, it means it evokes a similar emotion or reaction. 便是你說的感同身受!

YM: 本來是如許! Yes, your friend's situation strikes a chord with me!

Jessica: You know, Yumiao, I think you are right. I will call her and apologize for overreacting, and I will wish her good luck!

YM: 我往總結一下来日所教的:第一,換位思慮叫做 put oneself in someone else's shoes;

第兩,善解人意能夠用 considerate;

第三,中英翻譯,感同身受,叫做 strike a chord!

