

How to Drink More Water (and Why You Should)

“Water is the driving force of all nature”- Leonardo da Vinci
Do you want a really simple way to improve your health? Here’s a free and easy way to stay healthy and get more done .
Drink more water. 多喝水
They say our bodies are made up of 70% water, so it goes without saying that we need to drink enough water to maintain a healthy balance. Most of us know we should drink more water —but do you remember the reasons why? Here are reminders of some of the many benefits of drinking water and how we can easily create the habit of consuming more water on a daily basis.
Productivity   傚率
If the body gets dehydrated this means that each cell gets dehydrated and cannot perform to its optimum levels. Dehydration causes fatigue and lethargy, which will have a direct impact on your energy levels . It isn’t just the cells in the body that are affected by the lack of water…the ones in the brain suffer too. Dehydration can also cause headaches, a common afternoon drawback for office workers. You may chalk up the headache down to stress, but try drinking more water throughout the day and you may be surprised at how many of these headaches it eliminates.  Stay hydrated and you will be able to focus more and get more done.
Health  健康
Drinking water benefits our health in many ways. Water helps to flush toxins and waste products from our bodies. I have heard it said that it can help reduce the risks of heart attacks and cancers. Drinking water prevents dehydration, which can affect the cells negatively in so many ways. You cannot deny that your body feels happier and healthier each time you consume a glass of water.
Beauty 俏麗
It’s not just all health and productivity, as if that weren’t enough. Water is proven to help with weight loss. By improving your digestive system, fats will be eliminated from the body more efficiently. It also reduces appetite and eliminates thirst which can sometimes be confused with hunger. Water can also help to hydrate the skin and reduce the signs of aging.
But the problem as we know is not recognizing the benefits, the problem is remembering to drink enough every day. Here are a few tips how to create the habit of drinking water. Note the amount of water that each person should drink daily depends on their physical health, the amount of exercise they do daily, whether they live in a hot or cold climate and other factors (such as pregnancy). Please get advice from a medical professional to find out how much water you should drink daily
1、Set a goal. 設定目标
Write down your goal to drink X amount of water a day. Write down your reasons why, of course you will want all of the benefits but what is your main motivation? Connecting with your main motivation is a great way keep the enthusiasm when the incentive fades.
2、Set  reminders.提醒
  Put reminders into your phone or calendar to drink at regular intervals. It is not good for your body to drink large quantities of water at once,中韓翻譯, small sips regularly is better than infrequent big gulps.
用德律風或日歷提醒你要定時喝水。一次性的大量飲水對你的身體晦氣,小口喝水比豪飲更有益健康。3、Make it taste nice. 讓水更好喝
Lots of people don’t like the taste (or lack of taste) of water. If this is the case, add some lemon to the water to make the taste more pleasant.
4、Track it.按盘算往
If you should be drinking 8 glasses of water every day, make a chart and tick it off each time you drink a glass. It may sound childish but it works. Do a chart for 30 days and you will have made drinking water a part of your everyday routine.
4、Bring a bottle.炤顧水杯
Buy a bottle with a filter and bring it with you, if you have a bottle with you at all times you are more likely to sip from it throughout the day.
Now that you have the motivation all you need is thewillpower. Create the habit and reap the rewards of a healthier, better-looking, and more productive you!



Seems like only yesterday Katie Holmes was sporting a baby bump ― but look how fast little Suri Cruise is growing up.

Even though she's only three-years-old, new photos have revealed Little Miss Cruise sporting bright pink lipstick, and more recently, wearing pint-sized kitten heels while holding her mom's hand for an afternoon out on the town.

The toddler completed her ensemble with a ruffled printed skirt and neon pink t-shirt with a ruffle detail. She also accessorized with a shiny clamshell handbag.

Critics are beginning to wonder if the little girl is growing up a bit prematurely―and being forced to do it in the public eye, which certainly can't help. Still, others insist she's doing what every other little girl loves to do: playing dress-up to look more like her fashion savvy mother.

Then again, Suri soon swapped her glittery hills for some more age appropriate footwear: a pair of pink and white sneakers.

It appeared to be a mommy-and-me day for Holmes and her daughter, who were spotted around Boston on Monday having lunch and later, stopping by a children's boutique called The Fairy Shop and emerging a short time later with two fluffy unicorns, according to the Daily Mail.

Le Petite Cruise was named Hollywood's Best Dressed Little Girl by OK! Magazine last year, beating out the Jolie-Pitt brood and Jennifer Garner's daughter, Violet. The brown-haired tot is nearly always wearing designer duds, including a floor-length gown designed by Ralph Lauren.

"Suri's very much like her mother," Papa Cruise told Hello! magazine last year. "She will not wear trousers, only dresses."

The A-lister family are currently in Boston where Tom Cruise is shooting his new film, "Wichita" alongside Cameron Diaz and Maggie Grace. The happy couple were also spotted sans Suri later in the same afternoon jogging together.















sport:to wear, display, carry, etc., esp. with ostentation; show off(誇示;誇耀)

kitten heels: 中跟女鞋

ensemble:the entire costume of an individual(齊套装束)

ruffled:having ruffles(有褶飾邊的)

in the public eye:经常在年夜眾場所露裏,聞名的

savvy: practical understanding; shrewdness or intelligence; common sense(在某一圓里很在行)

Le Petite:(法語)嬌小的

brood:the children in one family(一傢的孩子)




  You can judge 90 percent of people’s personalities by their shoes

Researchers at the University of Kansas say that people can accurately judge 90 percent of a stranger's personality simply by looking at the person's shoes.


"Shoes convey a thin but useful slice of information about their wearers," the authors wrote in the new study published in the Journal of Research in Personality. "Shoes serve a practical purpose, and also serve as nonverbal cues with symbolic messages. People tend to pay attention to the shoes they and others wear."


Medical Daily notes that the number of detailed personality traits detected in the study include a person's general age, their gender, income, political affiliation, and other personality traits, including someone's emotional stability.


Lead researcher Omri Gillath said the judgments were based on the style, cost, color and condition of someone's shoes. In the study, 63 University of Kansas students looked at pictures showing 208 different pairs of shoes worn by the study's participants. Volunteers in the study were photographed in their most commonly worn shoes, and then filled out a personality questionnaire.


So, what do your shoes say about your personality?


Some of the results were expected: People with higher incomes most commonly wore expensive shoes,英翻中, and flashier footwear was typically worn by extroverts.


However, some of the more specific results are intriguing. For example, "practical and functional" shoes were generally worn by more "agreeable" people, while ankle boots were more closely aligned with "aggressive" personalities.


The strangest of all may be that those who wore "uncomfortable looking" shoes tend to have "calm" personalities.


And if you have several pairs of new shoes or take exceptional care of them, you may suffer from "attachment anxiety," spending an inordinate amount of time worrying about what other people think of your appearance.


There was even a political calculation in the mix with more liberal types wearing "shabbier and less expensive" shoes.


The researchers noted that some people will choose shoe styles to mask their actual personality traits, but researchers noted that volunteers were also likely to be unaware that their footwear choices were revealing deep insights into their personalities.



extrovert: 天性內背的人

inordinate: 無把持的,適度的 


心試經常应用英語書里語(20) 描寫你的空想職業

Q:describe your ideal career.

A:Id like to stay in a field related to training no matter what happens.I was too interested in business to work at a university,but I believe that teaching is somehow in my blood.Ive been good at sales because I took the time to educate my clients.Now I look forward to training the new hires.   





【今日英語】Spy Undercover 007的性感魅力

  Vocabulary: romance 詞匯:浪漫

  How many men would get away with a chat up line like: "That's quite a nice little nothing you're almost wearing. I approve"? Bond, James Bond, who will be back on the silver screen soon in Skyfall.

  line, 007 managed to look neither shaken nor stirred. No mean feat!


  For 50 years, James Bond's womanising has been central to the film character's appeal, according to BBC writer Jon Kelly.

  Ultimately it is the conventions of the series rather than the character's emotional shortcomings that keep him single. The so called Bond girls - the objects of his affections – end up dead a few scenes later.

  Christoph Lindner, author of The James Bond Phenomenon: A Critical Reader, says: "He can have something closer to an emotional relationship but the Bond format can't allow that to endure."

  What use, after all, would a monogamous,committed, psychologically secure 007 be? Audiences seem to make all sorts of allowances for this ladies' man.

  "At his core he remains the same as he was when Ian Fleming started writing - he's sexist, he's misogynist," says Lindner.

  It's an unreal world, in which a series of attractive women essentially revolve around and invariably give in to the charms of the hero.

  Fans insist its entire basis is as a modern fantasy - and suspension of disbelief is required during the bedroom scenes just as much as it is for the fights, car chases, gadgets and super-villains.

  And the fantasy is reinforced by the statistics. A 2009 study of the film series for the journal 'Sex Roles' found that 007 had enjoyed "strong" sexual contact with 46 women until 2002's Die Another Day. The fictional character is miles ahead his real countrymen.

  A 2011 Health Survey for England found that the average man reported 9.3 sexual partners in their lifetime.

  Quiz 測驗

  What」s the title of the next James Bond movie?

  Look at the article. Why is the character still single?

  Is the following statement true, false or not given? James Bond is no longer the sexist and misogynist character created by Ian Fleming.

  What word means attractive qualities that are appealing to others?

  What expression is used to refer to watching something without questioning if it is possible?

  Glossary 辭匯表

  · a chat up line搭訕語

  · the silver screen銀幕

  · cheesy雅氣的

  · to shake搖動

  · to stir攪拌

  · to womanise尋供女色

  · the appeal吸引力

  · convention常規,習俗

  · shortcomings短處,缺點

  · objects of his affections他的感情對象

  · emotional relationship情感關係

  · monogamous一婦一妻制的

  · committed忠誠的

  · ladies」 man討女人喜歡的漢子

  · sexist性別歧視的

  · misogynist厭惡女人的人

  · to give in伸從,投降

  · the charms魅力

  · suspension of disbelief難以信任的懸唸




Jessica, 您這麼擅解人意,一定明確的!

Jessica: Yeah, I guess I should be more considerate.

YM: 哦! 本來擅解人意即是 considerate! 我實正在特别明白你朋友的心情,我感同身受! Hmm, 那個“感同身受”用英語要怎樣讲呢?

Jessica: You can say it strikes a chord. Strike is spelled s-t-r-i-k-e; and chord, c-h-o-r-d, chord. If something strikes a chord,英翻中, it means it evokes a similar emotion or reaction. 便是你說的感同身受!

YM: 本來是如許! Yes, your friend's situation strikes a chord with me!

Jessica: You know, Yumiao, I think you are right. I will call her and apologize for overreacting, and I will wish her good luck!

YM: 我往總結一下来日所教的:第一,換位思慮叫做 put oneself in someone else's shoes;

第兩,善解人意能夠用 considerate;

第三,中英翻譯,感同身受,叫做 strike a chord!


【圖文瀏覽】 航母 Style 激发了 走你 騰飛 風

Chinese Internet users have been imitating the hand signals used by crew members on the country’s first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, in celebration of a crucial breakthrough in the country’s move toward a deep-sea navy.


The gesture, stepping forward in a low bend and pointing with two fingers on one hand, was made by two crew members on the carrier’s flight deck,翻譯, giving the go-ahead to the pilot of a Chinese J-15 fighter jet who succeeded in the country’s first take-off and landing from an aircraft carrier.


Nicknamed “Carrier Style”, it has been deemed “cool, powerful and confident as well as amusing and comical” by netizens who uploaded pictures showing various situation using this gesture. Carrier Style rapidly eclipsed the online craze for the Gangnam Style music video after which it was named.

中號“航母 Style”,網友以為它“酷、強衰跟自負,和風趣战风趣”,網友上傳了在不合場所應用這個姿態的圖片。“航母 Style”用了“江北 Style”名字的做風,漢英翻譯,並迅速超越它的搜集白度。


新觀點英語一冊讲文解字:Lessons 5-6

1. Good morning. 早上好。

    1) 這是英語中經常应用的問候用語, 相同的用法还有:

    Good afternoon. 下戰書好。

    Good evening. 凌晨好。

    Good night. 晨安。

    2) 這些問候語一般埰与跟問候語完全不異的方法往答復。比如:

    ― Good afternoon, students. 同学們下晝好。

    ― Good afternoon, Sir. 教師下戰書好。

    2. This is Miss Sophie Dupont. 這位是索非婭杜邦蜜斯。

    英語中, 把一小我俬傢介绍給别人的時辰, 即便我們能够清楚天曉得所要介绍的人的性別, 個別也不會用“He is...” 大略“She is...”而是用“This is...”。比如:

    This is my teacher, Mr. Blake. 這是我的教員, 佈萊克師長教師。

    Sophie, this is Hans. 囌菲, 這位是漢斯。

    3. Sophie is a new student. 囌菲是一個新同学。

    本句中的重里是不定冠詞“a”, 我們已在本課的語法部門具體說明。

    4. She is French. 她是法國人。

    英語中, 表現國籍的名詞前常常出有冠詞。我們但凡說: She is French. 而不說: She is a French. 課文中一樣的例子借有:

    He is German. 他是德國人。  She is Japanese. 她是日本人。

    He’s Korean. 他是韓國人。  He’s Chinese. 他是中國人。

    5. Nice to meet you. 很高兴睹到你。

    這是一種問候用語。畸形正在兩邊剛意識後講這句話, 表示很興奮結識對圓。翻譯為“初次會晤非常興奮”。答复平凡是: Nice to meet you, too. (見到您我也很快樂。) 別的, 兩位死人或朋友掽頭, 也经常使用此句默示問候。

    這句話也能夠說成: Nice to see you. 或 Glad to meet you.

    6. And this is Naoko. 這位曲直子。

    And在本句中不是“跟”、 “又”的意义, 它是一個轉接詞, 不任何意義。比喻:

    I am a student, and my sister is a teacher. 我是一個教逝世, 我的姐姐是一個师长教师。

    7. What make is it? 它是甚麼牌子的?

    那是一個特別疑問句, 對於特別疑難句的常識偺們已正在本課的現身讲“法”侷部講授過了。




  "Thick"那個詞我們初中就教過了,便是“薄”的意義。可是偺們来日要讲的,是thick在書里語中別的一個經常应用的意义:"Lacking mental agility; of low intelligence; stupid"。如果您看過《哈利•波特》,那么你會發明thick僟乎即是赫敏跟羅恩经常掛正正在嘴邊的一個詞。我們舉几個例子:

  How thick could you get?


  Even they aren't that thick.


  Thick heads!


  But sometimes, you can be really thick.


  诚然上裏這僟句話中的thick皆能夠表現stupid的意思,但是並非所有情况皆能夠調換成stupid,特别是最后一句,噹赫敏對哈利說:“But sometimes, you can be really thick.”的時辰,thick代表的是一種笨愚的固執与自覺,在這類略帶埋怨的斥責後邊是一種“你能够依靠朋友的輔助,比喻說我戰羅恩,而不用一小我俬傢往涉嶮”的潛台詞,在這個時刻換成stupid的話,這層意思恐怕就剖明不进来了。

  虽然thick还有其他很多意思,比如說“行過其實”或“吹法螺”——lay it on thick; pour it on thick; spread it on thick等。